
Some of the famous breeders today

Some of the famous breeders today

A.P. Overwater, Strijen
A great fancier with phenomenal long distance pigeons! For several decades, A.P. Overwater has been racing pigeons with enormous succes at the 1000km classics. He has become known at home and abroad for his extremely strong “Turbodiesels van den Oudendijk”. His pigeons didn’t get that nickname for free, that nickname was earned by them … They are all beautifully built, softly plumed, real highclass long distance pigeons that originate from two extremely strong pigeon strains of Peter van de Eijnden and Bas Batenburg.

In recent years there is a pigeon that really stands out and that is the NL12-1597833 alias “Turbo Barcelona” which in 2016 the 118.NAT Barcelona and in 2017 the 57.NAT Barcelona knew to score. At his first Barcelona in 2015 he won the 101.NAT Barcelona and with his three outstanding Barcelona prizes he won 2nd Golden Barcelona pigeon ZLU. “Turbo Barcelona” also flew successfully Perpignan three times after Barcelona and on that flight became 23rd best pigeon in the Netherlands at the ZLU over the last three years. As a yearling he scored a super prize at the Bergerac midday release with prize 20 against 7.655 pigeons in the National sector 2. In 2014 he won a good prize at Agen old birds and a late prize at Narbonne. He was bred in Strijen from a son of the “Super As” from 2007 and a daughter of “de Ferrari” from 2008 and then we talk about the core and the top of the colony of A.P. Overwater.

The past racing season A.P. scored a number of very early ZLU prizes National, of which the 3.National and 3.International won by “the Surprise 061” on Narbonne speaks the most to the imagination. This great talent comes from the old strain of A.P. i.e. “844 of the SuperAs” x “daughter Kleine Dure” paired to an inbred hen to the “Dees” from Leliaert.

The “844 of the SuperAs” turns out to be a super breeder of the first order, because a full sister of the 3.NAT Narbonne wins 24.NPO Agen S2 and 48.NAT Marseille ZLU in 2017, while another daughter of this new top breeder 37.NAT Agen ZLU 2017 against 5.935 pigeons wins.

Because of all these very good prizes, A.P. Overwater won two very appealing marathon titles in 2017!
A.P. Overwater won the 1st Nominated ZLU Cup Interprovincial SNZH (Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland) championship and also became 1st Emperor ZLU Cup SNZH of both extremely strong provinces at the ZLU.

The next list of top prizes won in 2017 testifies to the big class of this top loft at the marathon:

3.NAT Narbonne, 6.INT Narbonne, 3.NAT Narbonne hens,

16.NAT Agen ZLU yearlings, 93.NAT Agen ZLU yearlings

37.NAT Agen ZLU old

46.NAT Marseille, 48.NAT Marseille

57.NAT Barcelona

To show the strength of this loft, the most beautiful references in 2017 do not lie either:

Ad Pegels Numansdorp, 1.NAT S2 Dax, fastest of all sectors (father A.P. Overwater)

M.Vonk Hendriks Ido Ambacht, 1.NAT S2 Bergerac (mother A.P. Overwater)

C.J. Wijntjes Oud Beijerland, 1.NAT S2 Cahors (line “Dure Inteelt” A.P. Overwater)

It is the best proof that his strain inherits amazingly well and gives a little extra in many lofts.

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